Dear boyfriend

Im sry for the fights that we hv got into. Im sry for making u down. Im sry if I get jealous. Im sry if I act childish sometimes. Im sry if Im pain in the ass sometimes. And Im sry for everything that I'll do to make u unhappy. Dear, thx for being there when I need u the most. Thx for brightening up my day. If u make me cry, then thats okay. Just dont make that a habit. If u hold my hand, hold it tight so that u can make sure that I dont slip away. If u hold me, just know that I wont stop smiling. I want u to know that if I ever do slip away, I didnt want to, but it was smtg that I couldnt help. And when I realize how stupid I was, I hope that u still havent given up on me yet. They say that boys arent worth my tears, but I want u to be the boy thats worth my tears, I know that there ll be times whr I cant always make u happy and whr I wont be able to see u bcuz of some issues, but know that I would be understanding although sometims I really just want to be with u right at that moment and just want to be in ur arms. I dont need u to kiss me every minute like how some couples are bcuz I would rather u just surprise me.
I love it when u make laugh even if its smtg completely stupid, a cheesy joke, a silly face, anything. I dont care if sometimes we stay up all night on da phone n not even say anything to each other. I will accept everything just for who u are.

Im extremely sry for my behavior with u on last night. I got very frustrated been very rude to u. Dont ever think of the things u cant gv me. U hv trusted me with the dearest heart of all and Its soooo damn much more than anybody else in all the world has ever had. Words will never fully express how sorry I am, but I truly hope that its a good start. Im sorry. I regret ntg more in life than what I have done to u. It was wrong, stupid and immature and u dont deserve any of the grief and anger I hv caused u. I cant bear to see u unhappy bcuz of my actions. When our relationship began I promised to myself that I would make u happy like nobody else, I failed. I failed both of us. But I want to make amends, I truly do. Fights make us grow and gain and god is giving us many tasks. Somehow we still love each other and still stay with each other, cherish the relationship like we always do.
Pervert, ure sooo 'perverty' like nobody else, and I love this pervert without any reasons.
Lessons learned, be happy okay? I found out the smile in my tears by looking into the mirror. That moment, I told myself u are the one. I love u. I can never express it as much as I feel it.

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